Friday, January 23, 2015

Why YOU Shouldn't Date Me

I think one of the mistakes that men make when dating a single mother is thinking that we have time for bullshit. We don’t! We aren’t just living for ourselves. We are living for our children who demand our attention 24/7. We are on call and prepared for the unexpected every second of every day for the rest of our lives. We have made decisions that are harder for most to fathom, we’ve faced the scariest times of our lives alone, we’ve learned to not just walk around mountains but to crush them and walk through the dust and through this all, we are more vulnerable than we’ve ever been. So if you can’t appreciate me being a single mom, then you have no business in my life because you’ll only waste my time.

We spend a good part of our life teaching the most stubborn and egocentric of humanity not to be selfish. Our kids! Not to mention, our every excuse to be selfish was ripped out from under us the moment we became a mother. We used to spend a ridiculous amount of money and time on things like clothes, hair, makeup and having the best body we can so that we could feel good about ourselves. We all go through that phase in life and it’s part of learning who we are but a single mother doesn’t live for herself anymore because we found out that living for someone else is better than living for ourselves.  

There’s a reason I don’t let just anyone into my daughter's life. She is one of the most important people in my life. I care more about her getting hurt than myself getting hurt. I can forgive someone who hurts me and I can even give them a second chance but when it comes to those who selfishly take my her for granted, completely unacceptable! And the quickest way to get me to shut the door in your face.

I walked away from a life where I didn’t have to work and could go shopping and vacationing whenever I felt like it. And now? I’m working on making my own money which thrills me a lot more than fancy clothes, jewelry and vacations. But by all means, go ahead and buy me things. Just don’t be surprised when I walk away because I’ve run out of patience for your need to fulfill your ego with materialistic trophies. Because I have something you’ll never be able to buy and it’s not my fault you’re too self absorbed to see this.

I guess you can say my standards are probably higher than ever before but considering the idiots I’ve wasted my time on, this is completely justified. However, I’ll never give up hope that there’s a man out there strong enough to handle me. In the mean time, I think I’ll have fun enjoying some me and little girl time ;)

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